(Almost): The Essence of Everything

He who sees the absurd suffers this torture: to have the Final Word on the tip of his tongue but to be unable to pronounce it.
—René Daumal, tr. by Kelton W. Knight

what happened
at the           end of
speculators picking over the remains
like panicky stricken crackheads in the evening rain

two times strong

this         is                                           nothing

like I thought it would
be-----all shills and tangled
vines, withered grapes
descended to the cracked earth

parched, bloodstained earth

but there was sun still shining
there were Sunflowers
and we drank Sun tea
and wore Sundresses with matching parasols
I became Sun-blind

at other times I imagine the end
of everything to be


like what you believed to
be your responsibility

I thought the poet
would have

to say at the end of
everything, “it has all
been said” I thought
she would say

she began to chant (blue, yellow, red, green)
(blue, yellow, red, green)
and moan            soon
words poured freely like blood from
a wounded heart and

could stop the bleeding
her phrases oxidized
on the page
disappearing in thin air until

was left.