April 1926
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Benjamin Brooks
- Harriet Monroe
- Dorothy Aldis
- Mary Blayker
- Polly Chase
Table of Contents
The Forest Ranger's Honeymoon
Dorothy Keeley Aldis
Poems from a Suburb
April Moods
Mary Avis Blayker
Twisted Skeins
Margaret Erwin
Mary Fraser Walker
Harriet Monroe
Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
Harriet Monroe
George H. Dillon
Eda Lou Walton
Brief Notices
- Vachel Lindsay
- Dorothy Keeley Aldis
- Polly Chase
- Mary Avis Blayker
- Margaret Erwin
- Mary Fraser Walker
- Laurence Hartmus
- James Daly
- Harriet Monroe
- Benjamin Gilbert Brooks
- George H. Dillon
- Eda Lou Walton