April 1931
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Horace Gregory
- Harriet Monroe
- Kenneth Rexroth
- Louis Zukofsky
- Mary Barrett
Table of Contents
Seas and Singing Country
Robert Roe
Soft Measures
David Cornel De Jong
Jessie St. John
Two Poems
Carl John Bostelmann
Ben Belitt
Harriet M. Thayer
Edith Franklin Wyatt
Of Trees
Edith Dorothea Morrell
Benjamin Musser
Two Poems
David Carter
Harry McGuire
Harold Willard Gleason
Two Poems
R. P. Blackmur
Mary Lawther Barrett
Sketches in Color
Grace Baer Hollowell
Harriet Monroe
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Stanley Kunitz
Harriet Monroe
Dudley Fitts
Stanley Burnshaw, Horace Gregory, Kenneth Rexroth, and Louis Zukofsky
- Robert Roe
- James L. Duff
- David Cornel De Jong
- Jessie St. John
- Carl John Bostelmann
- Ben Belitt
- Harriet M. Thayer
- Edith Franklin Wyatt
- Edith Dorothea Morrell
- Benjamin Musser
- David Carter
- Harry McGuire
- Harold Willard Gleason
- R. P. Blackmur
- Mary Lawther Barrett
- Grace Baer Hollowell