April 1954
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Delmore Schwartz
- Buddhadeva Bose
- John Ciardi
- Chester Kallman
- Harold Norse
Table of Contents
Two Poems
John Ciardi
Buddhadeva Bose
Two Poems
Felix N. Stefanile
Five Poems
Chester Kallman
Three Voyages
Harold Norse
Frederick J. Hoffman
Kimon Friar
Jean Burden
Leonard Unger
Franklyn B. Snyder
Hugh Kenner
- John Ciardi
- Buddhadeva Bose
- Felix N. Stefanile
- Chester Kallman
- Harold Norse
- Frederick J. Hoffman
- Kimon Friar
- Jean Burden
- Leonard Unger
- Franklyn B. Snyder
- Hugh Kenner