August 1922
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Jean Catel
- Harriet Monroe
- Eunice Tietjens
- Louise Bogan
- Hao Cheng
Table of Contents
These Are but Words
Muna Lee
- The Sonnet ("What other form...")
- ("I have been happy...")
- ("I have a thousand pictures...")
- ("Life of itself will be cruel...")
- ("There have been many Junes...")
- ("You have not known...")
- ("It would be easy to say...")
- ("I make no question...")
- ("No love can quite forego...")
- ("It will be easy to love you...")
At Night
Jessica Nelson North
Florence Ripley Mastin
Beginning and End
Louise Bogan
Poems from the Chinese
Dji-Nan Seng
Dao Gia
Hao Cheng
An-Shih Wang
Summer Phases
Katherine Wisner McCluskey
Talk from the Dust
Elizabeth Madox Roberts
Song Nets
Harriet Monroe
Eunice Tietjens
Pearl Andelson Sherry
Harriet Monroe
Marion Strobel
Royall H. Snow
Jean Catel
- Muna Lee
- Jessica Nelson North
- Florence Ripley Mastin
- Louise Bogan
- Dji-Nan Seng
- Dao Gia
- Shih Yeh
- Hao Cheng
- An-Shih Wang
- Katherine Wisner McCluskey
- Elizabeth Madox Roberts
- Hilda Conkling
- Harriet Monroe
- Eunice Tietjens
- Pearl Andelson Sherry
- Marion Strobel
- Royall H. Snow
- Jean Catel