August 1949
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Hayden Carruth
- Richard Emerson
- Kenneth Alling
- Le Garde Doughty
- Donald Drummond
Table of Contents
Winfield Townley Scott
Peter Viereck
Two Translations
Heinrich Heine
Kenneth Slade Alling
Three Poems
Donald F. Drummond
Julia Randall
Emma Swan
Le Garde S. Doughty
Two Poems
W. Wesley Trimpi
Vernon Scannell
Four Poems
Three Poems
May Sarton
An Editorial
Hayden Carruth
Patrick Kavanagh
John Conley
Horace Gregory
Richard Ellmann
- Winfield Townley Scott
- Peter Viereck
- Heinrich Heine
- Kenneth Slade Alling
- Donald F. Drummond
- Julia Randall
- Emma Swan
- Le Garde S. Doughty
- W. Wesley Trimpi
- Vernon Scannell
- Laurence Josephs
- May Sarton
- Hayden Carruth
- Patrick Kavanagh
- John Conley
- Horace Gregory
- Richard Ellmann