August 1950
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Karl Shapiro
- Will Wharton
- Richard Eberhart
- Ben Belitt
- R. Blackmur
Table of Contents
Tristan Corbière
Two Poems
Neil Weiss
Three Poems
Julia Randall
R. P. Blackmur
Paul Goodman
Barbara Howes
Two Poems
Ben Belitt
Lloyd Frankenberg
Two Poems
Oliver Hale
Marvin Solomon
Harry Roskolenko
Karl Shapiro
Francis Fergusson
Gladys Campbell
- Tristan Corbière
- Neil Weiss
- Julia Randall
- R. P. Blackmur
- Paul Goodman
- Barbara Howes
- Ben Belitt
- Lloyd Frankenberg
- Oliver Hale
- Marvin Solomon
- Harry Roskolenko
- Karl Shapiro
- Francis Fergusson
- Monroe K. Spears
- Gladys Campbell
- David Grene
- J. Radcliffe Squires