August 1997
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Dan Bellm
- D Berry
- David Bottoms
- John Brehm
- Turner Cassity
Table of Contents
James Kimbrell
Gregory Orr
John L. O'Donnell
John Brehm
Dan Bellm
David Wagoner
David Bottoms
Henry M. Seiden
Faye George
Rika Lesser
Robert McDowell
Richard Hague
Leslie Ullman
Albert Goldbarth
Brian Wickers
D C Berry
Turner Cassity
Melody Davis
David Baker
- James Kimbrell
- Gregory Orr
- John L. O'Donnell
- John Brehm
- Dan Bellm
- David Wagoner
- David Bottoms
- Henry M. Seiden
- Faye George
- Rika Lesser
- Robert McDowell
- Richard Hague
- Leslie Ullman
- Albert Goldbarth
- Brian Wickers
- D C Berry
- Turner Cassity
- Melody Davis
- David Baker