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December 2006

Diana Sudyka, "Wind-Up no. 3," 2006

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Joel Brouwer
  • Claudia Emerson
  • David Baker
  • Roddy Lumsden
  • Dana Levin
POETRY Magazine cover of December 2006 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine A Report to an Academy

      By Joel Brouwer
      And so among the starry refineries
      and cattail ditches of New Jersey
      his bus dips from egg-white sky into shadow.
      When he next looks up from Kafka a blur
      of green sanatorium tile flows by
      then presto, Port Authority, full daylight.
      He has been cheated of...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Against Complaint

      By Roddy Lumsden
      Though the amaryllis sags and spills
      so do those my wishes serve, all along the town.
      And yes, the new moon, kinked there in night's patch,
      tugs me so—but I can't reach to right the slant.
      And though our cat...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Refuge Field

      By Dana Levin
      You have installed a voice that can soothe you: agents
               of the eaten flesh, every body

               a cocoon of change—

      Puparium. The garden
               a birthing house, sarcophagidae—

      And green was so dark in the...

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