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December 2016

Janie Stamm, "Snake Stack No. 2," 2016

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Marcus Wicker
  • Devin Johnston
  • Charles North
  • sam sax
  • Joseph Legaspi
Poetry Magazine cover for December 2016 issue
From this Issue
    • poem
      By Marcus Wicker
      If in his image made am I, then make me a miracle.
      Make my shrine a copper faucet leaking everlasting Evian to the masses.
      Make this empty water glass a goblet of long-legged French wine.
      Make mine a Prince-purple body bag designed by...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Poem for the New Year

      By Devin Johnston
      I’ve tracked myself from day to day
      how many steps through a field of snow
      how many hours have I slept
      what have I eaten
      what did I burn
      calories or cigarettes
      what birds have poured
      through Bellefontaine
      where mausoleums bear the names
      of Busch and Brown
      Lemp and Spink

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Everything: Coda

      By Charles North
      Even city planning.

      Yesterday, for example,
      with its unexpected view of posterity
      draped loosely between high-rises
       — unlike the composed street
      raised to stoop level like a stroller. No moon
      but clearly under some pressure to form one in quick stages,
      while being careful to avoid what intervenes

Table of Contents

Visual Poetry