February 1916
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Mary Colum
- Harriet Monroe
- Carl Sandburg
- G. Bispham
- Frank Flint
Table of Contents
William Butler Yeats
William Laird
Agnes Lee
G. Tucker Bispham
Alfred Kreymborg
Henry B. Fuller
Editorial Comment
Harriet Monroe
Carl Sandburg
Mary M. Colum
Harriet Monroe
Alice Corbin Henderson
Harriet Monroe
Edith Franklin Wyatt
- William Butler Yeats
- Frank Stewart Flint
- William Laird
- Agnes Lee
- G. Tucker Bispham
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Henry B. Fuller
- Harriet Monroe
- Carl Sandburg
- Mary M. Colum
- Alice Corbin Henderson
- Edith Franklin Wyatt