February 1924
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Frank Call
- Mary Canfield
- Elizabeth Coatsworth
- Nora Cunningham
Table of Contents
A Dialogue and Lyrics
Edgar Lee Masters
Three Poems
Babette Deutsch
Aeldryn Sadler
Charles Erskine Scott Wood
In French Canada
Frank Oliver Call
Three Poems
Mary Cass Canfield
Edward Cushing
Two Poems
Alzire Nelson
Nora B. Cunningham
Three Poems
Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
Idella Purnell
Harriet Monroe
Mitchell Dawson
Eunice Tietjens
Virgil Geddes
Royall H. Snow
Harriet Monroe
Brief Notices
- Marjorie Meeker
- Edgar Lee Masters
- Babette Deutsch
- Aeldryn Sadler
- Charles Erskine Scott Wood
- Frank Oliver Call
- Mary Cass Canfield
- Edward Cushing
- Alzire Nelson
- Nora B. Cunningham
- Elizabeth J. Coatsworth
- Idella Purnell
- Harriet Monroe
- Mitchell Dawson
- Eunice Tietjens
- Virgil Geddes
- Royall H. Snow