February 1934
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Ezra Pound
- Harriet Monroe
- Morton Zabel
- Etta Blum
- Dorothy Cooper
Table of Contents
Beyond the Mountains
Time Casts Shadows
Dwight Durling
John A. Holmes
Edward J. O'Brien
Paul Wren
James Palmer Wade
Two Poems
Etta Blum
Philip M. Harding
Two Portraits
Francis Fergusson
Sidelong Glances
Marcella Kahn
Mary Hoxie Jones
Richard Esler
H. R. Hays
Joseph Gordon Macleod
Three Poems
Dorothy Cooper
Reitza Dine Wirtshafter
Harriet Monroe
Joseph M. Hone
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Robert Penn Warren
Brief Notices
Ezra Pound
- Marya Zaturenska
- Dwight Durling
- John A. Holmes
- Edward J. O'Brien
- Paul Wren
- James Palmer Wade
- Etta Blum
- Philip M. Harding
- Francis Fergusson
- Marcella Kahn
- Mary Hoxie Jones
- Richard Esler
- H. R. Hays
- Joseph Gordon Macleod
- Dorothy Cooper
- Reitza Dine Wirtshafter
- Harriet Monroe
- Joseph M. Hone
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robert Penn Warren
- Ezra Pound