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February 2016

Chris Bradley, “Mnemonic,” 2014

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Allen Ginsberg
  • Sylvia Legris
  • Paisley Rekdal
  • Bernadette Mayer
  • Sharon Olds
Cover for Poetry Magazine, Feb 2016
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine New York to San Fran

      By Allen Ginsberg
      And the plane bobsback & forth like
      a boat at Kennedy

      asphalt Space Stationglass buildings,

      Taking off from Earth, to fly
      the day after Stevenson did dieheart attacked on Grosvenor
      Square’s July sunset
      leafy calm.

      And I — ‘Om Om Om’ etc — 

      repeat my prayers
      after devouring the NY Post   ...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Cold Zodiac and Butchered Pig

      By Sylvia Legris
      Onward the fairweather spleen.
      Onward the season of vent and caprice.

      Giovedì Grasso flies the meat,
      trees still larded with winter grease — 
      ice, the Dead Time, the Flensing Time.

      Flirt fattened Thursday of December’s gorge.
      The twelve pigs of the zodiac stew the zeal,
      slow simmering giddy...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Wolves

      By Paisley Rekdal
      It was the week of asking. Asking
      to watch her eat. Asking if she understood
      the doctors’ questions. Asking her
      to explain the difference between
      wanting to die right now, and dying later.
      The tumor making certain answers
      unquestionable. I watched her point
      to the incense dish...

Table of Contents
