January 1925
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Witter Bynner
- Sara Field
- V. Friedlaender
- Ralph Greene
Table of Contents
Profiles from Home
Alva N. Turner
Two Poems
Yvor Winters
Hazel C Hutchison
Four Poems
Lilian White Spencer
V. H. Friedlaender
Ralph E. Greene
Songs of Silence
Chard Powers Smith
Challiss Silvay
Siberian Sketches
Eloise Elizabeth Provines
Harriet Monroe
Mitchell Dawson
Margery Swett Mansfield
Marion Strobel
- Eunice Tietjens
- Alva N. Turner
- Yvor Winters
- Hazel C Hutchison
- Sara Bard Field
- Witter Bynner
- Lilian White Spencer
- V. H. Friedlaender
- Ralph E. Greene
- Chard Powers Smith
- Challiss Silvay
- Eloise Elizabeth Provines
- Harriet Monroe
- Mitchell Dawson
- Margery Swett Mansfield
- Marion Strobel