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January 2001

Illustration from Les Divertissemens de Versailles, 1674.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Renée Ashley
  • Wendell Berry
  • K. Duffin
  • Albert Goldbarth
  • Jeffrey Greene
POETRY Magazine cover of January 2001 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Beginnings

      By Jeffrey Greene
      On the ground floor called "Beginnings,"
      a fertility stone is displayed
      in the diamond-hard blue halogen,
      a line etching of an erection
      with two equal circles, as one sees
      in graffitti in the Underground.

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Stationed

      By Albert Goldbarth
      It's the other ones, who soon enough return
      to being happy after the funeral, that are nearest
      to their own deaths—in their gaiety
      and everyday distraction, they're so open

      and unguarded . . . anything...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Arrowhead

      By Robert Pack
      Where two streams joined, we met
      By accident, sitting upon an outcropping of rock
      With only the intent of watching
      Water flow beneath unwinding water.
      Facing up-stream, she held a flower
      To the sun as I leaned...

Table of Contents
