July 1950
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- James Parsons
- William Burford
- E. Cummings
- David De Jong
- John Fletcher
Table of Contents
Seven Poems
Two Poems
John Gould Fletcher
Robert Wooster Stallman
William Burford
Four Poems
David Cornel De Jong
Two Poems
Louis Kent
Melvin B. Tolson
James Parsons
Horace Gregory
Arthur Mizener
Isabel Gamble
Stanley Kunitz
Howard Nemerov
Alexandra V. Krinkin
- E. E. Cummings
- John Gould Fletcher
- Robert Wooster Stallman
- William Burford
- David Cornel De Jong
- Louis Kent
- Melvin B. Tolson
- James Parsons
- Horace Gregory
- Arthur Mizener
- Isabel Gamble
- Stanley Kunitz
- Julia Randall
- Howard Nemerov
- Alexandra V. Krinkin