July 1961
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Muriel Rukeyser
- J. Cameron
- Mary Carlton
- James Crenner
- Peter Davison
Table of Contents
Mary Carlton
James T. Crenner
Peter Davison
William Duffy
Edward Field
Richard Frost
Barbara Guest
John V. Hicks
Gene Lundahl
Julian Mitchell
Richard Murphy
Guy Owen
A. K. Ramanujan
Charles Reynolds
Larry Rubin
Florence Victor
David Wevill
X J Kennedy
Ralph J. Mills Jr.
A. Norman Jeffares
Charles Tomlinson
- J. Cameron
- Mary Carlton
- James T. Crenner
- Peter Davison
- William Duffy
- Edward Field
- Richard Frost
- Barbara Guest
- John V. Hicks
- Gene Lundahl
- Julian Mitchell
- Richard Murphy
- Guy Owen
- A. K. Ramanujan
- Belle Randall
- Charles Reynolds
- Larry Rubin
- Florence Victor
- Robert Wallace
- David Wevill
- X J Kennedy
- Ralph J. Mills Jr.
- A. Norman Jeffares
- Charles Tomlinson