July 1990
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Chana Bloch
- David Bottoms
- Ardyth Bradley
- Thomas Carper
- James Doyle
Table of Contents
Albert Goldbarth
Thomas Carper
David M. Graham
Paul Engle
Ardyth Bradley
Jonathan Holden
James Doyle
Roger Mitchell
Jeanne Murray Walker
Eric Pankey
Judy Longley
David Bottoms
Michele Hester
Chana Bloch
Reynolds Price
Jay Parini
Brief Reviews
R. T. Smith
- Sandra McPherson
- Albert Goldbarth
- Thomas Carper
- David M. Graham
- Paul Engle
- Ardyth Bradley
- Jonathan Holden
- James Doyle
- Roger Mitchell
- Jeanne Murray Walker
- Eric Pankey
- Judy Longley
- David Bottoms
- Michele Hester