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July/August 2010

Carl Wiens, "Evolution," 2009

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Robert Pinsky
  • Iain McGilchrist
  • Lynda Barry
  • Etienne Ndayishimiye
  • Nalini Nadkarni
Image of poetry magazine July/august 2010 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Oswald Spengler Watches the Sunset

      By Stephen Edgar
      The air is drenched with day, but one by one
                 The flowers close on cue,
      Obedient to the declining sun.
      Forest and grasses, bush and leaf and stem,
      They cannot move (and nor, you dream, can you);
                 It is the wind that plays...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Labyrinth

      By Robert P. Baird
      Torn turned and tattered
      Bowed burned and battered
      I took untensed time by the teeth
      And bade it bear me banking
      Out over the walled welter
                                                 cities and the sea
      Through the lightsmocked birdpocked cloudcocked sky
      To leave me light on a lilting planetesimal.

      The stone walls...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Elegy: In Coherent Light

      By Anne Stevenson
      Teach-cheap, teach-cheap, teach-cheap, teach-cheap
      Sparrows are plying their chisels in the summer ivy,
      Chipping the seconds spark by spark out of the hours.
      I read in each whistling chip the sun’s holography.
      My brain’s a film, I’m made of timed exposures,
      And pounding my ears...

Table of Contents
