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July/August 2011

Eric Hanson, "Suburban Road," 2010

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Daisy Fried
  • Joshua Mehigan
  • Plutarch
  • A.E. Stallings
  • David Ferry
Image of poetry magazine cover July/August 2011 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Sylt II

      By Valzhyna Mort
      The wind that makes your hair grow faster
      opens a child’s mouth full of strawberry and sand.
      Slow and sure
      on the scales of the ocean
      the child’s head outweighs the sun.

      Inside of the wind—
                                             a blister of a church,
      its walls thicker...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Manhattan Project

      By Spencer Reece

      First, J. Robert Oppenheimer wrote his paper on dwarf stars—“What happens to a massive star that burns out?” he asked. His calculations suggested that instead of collapsing it would contract indefinitely, under the force of its own gravity. The bright...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Impasse

      By Luke Hathaway
      Sei allem Abschied voran: half

      a line from Rilke’s Die Sonettean Orpheus as my motto,

      I rehearsed my elegiac art(“be in advance of all parting”)

      and won, I thought, with each song deeper,until I stood before the keeper

      in whom I’ve come to recognize...

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