June 1957
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wallace Fowlie
- Robert Bagg
- Harry Brown
- William Burford
- Rachel Crown
Table of Contents
Barbara Howes
Babette Deutsch
Barbara Gibbs
Allen Grossman
Robert Bagg
Elizabeth Jennings
John T. Napier
Brewster Ghiselin
Frederick Eckman
Rachel Crown
Edwin Honig
William Burford
Wallace Fowlie
William Carlos Williams
- Barbara Howes
- Marie Ponsot
- Harry Brown
- Babette Deutsch
- Barbara Gibbs
- Allen Grossman
- Robert Bagg
- Elizabeth Jennings
- Peter Redgrove
- John T. Napier
- Brewster Ghiselin
- Frederick Eckman
- Rachel Crown
- Edwin Honig
- Roy Marz
- William Burford
- Wallace Fowlie
- William Carlos Williams