June 1965
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Padraic Colum
- Etta Blum
- James Broughton
- Witter Bynner
- Turner Cassity
Table of Contents
De Andrade Carlos Drummond
Of Seven Sins
Richmond Lattimore
Richmond Lattimore
Robert Wallace
James Broughton
Words for Eli
Etta Blum
Raymond Roseliep
Four Haiku
Raymond Roseliep
Catherine Davis
Kathleen Fraser
William Childress
Jack Marshall
Daniel G. Hoffman
Witter Bynner
Adrienne Rich
Richard Howard
Frederick Bock
Ernest Sandeen
Robin Skelton
Robert Conquest
Padraic Colum
- De Andrade Carlos Drummond
- Richmond Lattimore
- Robert Wallace
- James Broughton
- Etta Blum
- Raymond Roseliep
- Catherine Davis
- Kathleen Fraser
- William Childress
- Jack Marshall
- Daniel G. Hoffman
- Witter Bynner
- Turner Cassity
- Adrienne Rich
- Richard Howard
- Frederick Bock
- Ernest Sandeen
- Robin Skelton
- Robert Conquest
- Hayden Carruth
- Padraic Colum