June 1990
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Bruce Bond
- David Bottoms
- Andrea Hollander
- Thomas Carper
- Henri Coulette
Table of Contents
Andrew Klavan
Michael Donaghy
P. H. Liotta
Laura Fargas
Andrea Hollander
Thomas Carper
David Bottoms
David Ignatow
Henri Coulette
Enid Shomer
Richard Jones
Lee Partain
James Laughlin
Walter McDonald
Rennie McQuilkin
Greg Kuzma
Caroline Finkelstein
Eric Nelson
Bruce Bond
Brad Leithauser
Brooke Horvath
Liz Rosenberg
Short Reviews
- Andrew Klavan
- Michael Donaghy
- P. H. Liotta
- John Daniel
- Laura Fargas
- Andrea Hollander
- Thomas Carper
- David Bottoms
- David Ignatow
- Henri Coulette
- Enid Shomer
- Richard Jones
- Lee Partain
- Gary Fincke
- James Laughlin
- Walter McDonald
- Rennie McQuilkin
- Greg Kuzma
- Caroline Finkelstein
- Eric Nelson
- Bruce Bond
- Brad Leithauser
- Brooke Horvath
- Liz Rosenberg
- Robert B. Shaw