June 2000
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- D Berry
- Debra Bruce
- Meredith Cole
- Mary Cornish
- Kevin Durkin
From this Issue
poemBy Kay RyanIt is very stretchy.We know that, even ifmany details remainsketchy. It is complexlywoven. That much toohas pretty well beenproven. We are loathto continue our lessons ...
Table of Contents
Peter Makuck
D C Berry
David R. Slavitt
Debra Bruce
Alan Feldman
Hugh Seidman
Elizabeth Katz
Meredith Cole
Kevin McFadden
Kevin Durkin
John Hazard
Robert Wrigley
Barton Sutter
Joyce Carol Oates
John Talbot
Paul Breslin
- Kay Ryan
- Peter Makuck
- D C Berry
- Mary Cornish
- David R. Slavitt
- Debra Bruce
- Alan Feldman
- Hugh Seidman
- Elizabeth Katz
- Meredith Cole
- Kevin McFadden
- Kevin Durkin
- John Hazard
- Robert Wrigley
- Barton Sutter
- Joyce Carol Oates
- John Talbot
- Paul Breslin