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June 2008

Silja Götz, “Biology,” 2007.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • A. Ammons
  • A. Stallings
  • Marianne Boruch
  • Harry Clifton
  • Joel Brouwer
Image of Poetry magazine June 2008
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine For Edwin Wilson

      By A. R. Ammons
      Did wind and wave design the albatross's wing,
      honed compliances: or is it effrontery to
      suggest that the wing designed the gales and

      seas: are we guests here, then, with all the
      gratitude and soft-walking of the guest:

    • poem
      By A.E. Stallings
      Just what I needed,
      Just when the dreams had almost totally receded,

      The dreams of roles for which I learned no lines and knew no cues,
      Dreams of pop quizzes with no pants on and no shoes,


    • poem
      By Marianne Boruch
      It includes the butterfly and the rat, the shit
      drying to chalk, trees
      falling at an angle, taking those moist
      and buried rootballs with them

      into deadly air. But someone will
      tell you the...

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