March 1996
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wendy Battin
- Neal Bowers
- Donald Caswell
- Carl Dennis
- Fred Dings
Table of Contents
Neal Bowers
William Matthews
John Hollander
Tom Disch
Carolyn Kizer
Mary Oliver
Carl Dennis
Fatima Lim-Wilson
Richard G. Stern
Donald Caswell
Stephen Dunn
Roy Shepard
Barry Sternlieb
Wendy Battin
Ben Howard
- Carl Dennis
- Fatima Lim-Wilson
- Richard G. Stern
- Donald Caswell
- Fred Dings
- Stephen Dunn
- Roy Shepard
- Barry Sternlieb
- Wendy Battin
- Ben Howard