May 1937
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Morton Zabel
- Kenneth Allott
- Doris Caldwell
- David McCaughie
- Marjorie Meeker
Table of Contents
Wallace Stevens
Brought Back
James Still
A Sign Awaited
Marjorie Meeker
Doris Caldwell
Kenneth Allott
Madeleine Ruthven
In These Gardens
David L. McCaughie
David Schubert
Michoacán: Two Scenes
Marian Storm
Slow Invasion
Lola Pergament
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Kenneth Burke
Evelyn Scott
Stanley Kunitz
T. C. Wilson
Richmond Lattimore
Ben Belitt
John Wheelwright
William Empson and Geoffrey Grigson
- Wallace Stevens
- James Still
- Marjorie Meeker
- Doris Caldwell
- Kenneth Allott
- Madeleine Ruthven
- David L. McCaughie
- David Schubert
- Marian Storm
- Lola Pergament
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Kenneth Burke
- Evelyn Scott
- Stanley Kunitz