May 1940
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Eugene Jolas
- David Daiches
- Lionel Abel
- Babette Deutsch
- Kenneth Fearing
Table of Contents
Ten Poems
William Carlos Williams
Babette Deutsch
Three Poems
Harry Roskolenko
Theodore Roethke
Three Poems
Lionel Abel
Donagh Macdonagh
Three Poems
Kenneth Fearing
Julian Symons
Alfred Kreymborg
Elsa Gidlow
Winfield Townley Scott
William Everson
- Louis MacNeice
- William Carlos Williams
- Babette Deutsch
- Weldon Kees
- Harry Roskolenko
- Theodore Roethke
- Lionel Abel
- Donagh Macdonagh
- Kenneth Fearing
- Julian Symons
- Philip Blair Rice
- Alfred Kreymborg
- Elsa Gidlow
- Winfield Townley Scott
- William Everson