May 1951
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Wallace Fowlie
- Delmore Schwartz
- Thomas Cole
- Ada Davies
- Marie Graybeal
Table of Contents
Five Poems
Kenneth Pettitt
Don Wobber
Adele Levi
Four Poems
Betty Turnoy
Ada Davies
Emily Pausch
Two Poems
Marie A. Graybeal
Suzanne Sullivan
Mary Hutton
Richard L. Hart
Marie Wells
Three Poems
Elva Williams
Ann Larson
Four Poems
Jeanne McGahey
Lawrence Hart
William Carlos Williams
Jeanne McGahey
Lawrence Hart
- Rosalie Moore
- Kenneth Pettitt
- Don Wobber
- Adele Levi
- Emily White
- Betty Turnoy
- Ada Davies
- Emily Pausch
- Marie A. Graybeal
- Suzanne Sullivan
- Mary Hutton
- Richard L. Hart
- Marie Wells
- Elva Williams
- Ann Larson
- Jeanne McGahey
- Lawrence Hart
- William Carlos Williams