May 1964
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- B. Alquit-Blum
- Carol Bergé
- James Dickey
- Ruth Domino
- Donald Hall
Table of Contents
James L. Dickey
Constance Urdang
From "In Praise of Pilgrims"
Lyon Phelps
Lyon Phelps
Ruth Domino
Carol Bergé
Raymond Roseliep
Julia Maria Morrison
- Confessions of a Non-Conformist, by Paul Petrie
- New Poems and Translations, by Richard O'Connell
- Elks, Mooses, Lions and Other Escapes, by David Cornel DeJong
- Selected Poems, by Chairil Anwar (Tr. by Burton Raffel and Nurdin Salam)
- Selected Poems, by Alain Bosquet (Tr. by Samuel Beckett, Charles Guenther, Edouard Roditi, and Ruth Whitman)
- The Small Rain, by Raymond Roseliep
- Americans and Others
- James L. Dickey
- George Oppen
- Constance Urdang
- Lyon Phelps
- Ruth Domino
- Carol Bergé
- B. Alquit-Blum
- Raymond Roseliep
- Donald Hall
- David Wagoner
- William E. Stafford
- John Woods
- Julia Maria Morrison
- Edgar Bowers