May 1971
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Robert Chatain
- William Davis
- Zulfikar Ghose
- Louise Glück
- Katherine Hoskins
Table of Contents
From Concordances with Dali
Paul Mariah
Carolyn Kizer
Howard Moss
Charles Molesworth
C. K. Williams
William Virgil Davis
Robert W. Watson
Zulfikar Ghose
Robert Chatain
Katherine Hoskins
Sandra McPherson
Bernetta Quinn
Mark McCloskey
- Coming Out Fighting, by Philip Hobsbaum
- The Rock Woman: Selected Poems, by James K. Baxter
- Aurora Bligh and Early Poems, by Mary Fabilli
- The Alligator Bride: Poems New and Selected, by Donald Hall
- A Probable Volume of Dreams, by Marvin Bell
- The Moral Features of Seven Poets
- The Shot Goes In, by David Hilton
- Greed, Parts 3 and 4, by Diane Wakoski
Michael Mott
- A Violent Country, by David Harsent
- Penguin Modern Poets 15: Alan Bold, Edward Brathwaite, Edwin Morgan
- The Blue Winged Bee, by Peter Whigham
- The Powers That Be, by J. S. Cunningham
- Two Voices, by D. M. Thomas
- The Grim Wayfarer, by Alan Jackson
- The White Room and Landscapes, by Lee Harwood
- Notes to the Hurrying Man, by Brian Patten
- To See the Matter Clearly, by Ruth Fainlight
- Darker Ends, by Robert Nye
- The Animals' Arrival, by Elizabeth Jennings
- Arias from a Love Opera and Other Poems, by Robert Conquest
- Work in Progress, by Peter Redgrove
- Islands, by Edward Brathwaite
- Travelling, by Michael Hamburger
- Selected Poems, by Dannie Abse
- The Way of a World, by Charles Tomlinson
- The Tribune's Visitation, by David Jones
- Recent Developments in British Poetry
Katherine Hoskins
- Louise Glück
- Paul Mariah
- Carolyn Kizer
- Howard Moss
- Charles Molesworth
- C. K. Williams
- William Virgil Davis
- Robert W. Watson
- Zulfikar Ghose
- David Lehman
- Robert Chatain
- Katherine Hoskins
- Sandra McPherson
- Bernetta Quinn
- Mark McCloskey
- Michael Mott