May 2003
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- David Citino
- Billy Collins
- Carl Dennis
- Tom Disch
- Eamon Grennan
From this Issue
poemBy A.E. StallingsThe hounds, you know them all by name.You fostered them from purblind whelpsAt their dam’s teats, and you have comeTo know the music of their yelps:High-strung Anthee, the brindled bitch,The blue-tick coated Philomel,And freckled Chloe, who would fetchA pretty price...
poemBy Daniel GrovesA stay of execution: one last day,your day, old Everydog, then, as they say,or as we say (a new trick to avoidfinalities implicit in destroyed),you have to be put down, or put to sleep—the very dog...
poemBy Kunst Judith McCuneWas it becauseat lastI cleaned the windowthat he threw himselfagainst the glass?I thought, poor crow—he doesn't knowthe evergreensand blue skyare behind him.I turned backto my pagebut whumpp—the bird attackedthe glass again.His long clawsscuffled at the paneand I yelled "Crow!Go away!"Again...
Table of Contents
Billy Collins
A.E. Stallings
Daniel Groves
Maxine Kumin
Kunst Judith McCune
Dave Smith
Kay Ryan
Tom Disch
Ted Kooser
Susan Kinsolving
R. T. Smith
David Citino
John Kinsella
Roger Mitchell
Eamon Grennan
Robert Wrigley
Tania Runyan
Peter Campion
Ian Tromp