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May 2016

Andrew Faris, "Rebound," 2015

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

  • Devin Johnston
  • Bonny Cassidy
  • Jaya Savige
  • Sarah Holland-Batt
  • Fiona Hile
POETRY Magazine cover of May 2016 issue
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Axe Derby

      By Bonny Cassidy
      Never were knuckle-men.
      Choked up on planks

      of smoke, they haul
      towards the peplum: stabbing

      back at time, splinters of it
      flip like cars. Rolled sleeves,

      knees cooked, the rousie
      is flirting with her broom, a blonde

      with criminal simplicity with
      historical truth we can detoxify

      a poisoned planet. Now

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Magnifera

      By Jaya Savige
      Ripeness was a semitone below
      the bone clef of the elbow

      keying the rain-slicked
      cyclone fence: the firm, saclike rind

      of a warped minim, golden
      drupe note for which we longed.

      Stone fruit are fine tutors.
      This one unseals a sensual nose hit.

      At dusk they go lambent

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Thalassography

      By Sarah Holland-Batt
      I have known these estuaries — 
      the channels and canals, the backwaters
      that flush and eddy to the Pacific,

      I have skimmed that muddied slurry,
      felt the nip in the throat
      where the salt in the air is the salt of the coast,

      I have tacked where...

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