November 1919
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Lew Sarett
- Evelyn Scott
- Eunice Tietjens
- Godwin Carrall
Table of Contents
William Butler Yeats
Robert Nichols
Yone Noguchi
Jun Fujita
Tropical Life
Three Portraits
Malcolm Cowley
Godwin Trezevant Carrall
Louise Driscoll
Council Talks
Lew R. Sarett
Harriet Monroe
Eunice Tietjens
Lew R. Sarett
Evelyn Scott
- Evelyn Scott
- Malcolm Cowley
- Godwin Trezevant Carrall
- Willard Wattles
- Louise Driscoll
- Lew R. Sarett
- Harriet Monroe
- Eunice Tietjens