November 1929
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Gustav Davidson
- George Dillon
- Raymond Fischer
- Margaret Fraser
Table of Contents
Charles A. Wagner
Dorothy E. Reid
George H. Dillon
Marion Strobel
Florida Watts Smyth
As of Yesterday
Geoffrey Johnson
John Russell McCarthy
Raymond P. Fischer
Edwin Carlile Litsey
Margaret Fraser
Two Dialogues
Eleanor Koenig
Harriet Monroe
- Charles A. Wagner
- Dorothy E. Reid
- George H. Dillon
- Marion Strobel
- Florida Watts Smyth
- Geoffrey Johnson
- John Russell McCarthy
- Raymond P. Fischer
- Edwin Carlile Litsey
- Gustav Davidson
- Margaret Fraser
- Eleanor Koenig
- Harriet Monroe