November 1930
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Mary Austin
- Benjamin Botkin
- Geoffrey De Montalk
- Paul Engle
Table of Contents
About Women
Jessica Nelson North
Old Green Wines
Geoffrey Potocki De Montalk
Two Poems
Edith Summers Kelley
Home Brew
C. F. MacIntyre
Two Poems
Louis Untermeyer
Dorothy Leonard
Two Poems
Paul Engle
Agnes Lee
Of Gipsies
Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
Muriel Stuart
Benjamin Albert Botkin
Mary Austin
Harriet Monroe
Harriet Monroe
- Jessica Nelson North
- Geoffrey Potocki De Montalk
- Bertha Ten Eyck James
- Hazel Ward
- Edith Summers Kelley
- C. F. MacIntyre
- Louis Untermeyer
- Dorothy Leonard
- Paul Engle
- Agnes Lee
- Dorothy Una Ratcliffe
- Muriel Stuart
- Benjamin Albert Botkin
- Mary Austin
- Harriet Monroe