November 1936
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Malcolm Cowley
- George Dillon
- Verne Bright
- Thomas Duncan
- William Empson
Table of Contents
Marianne Moore
Frederick Ten Hoor
William Empson
William Carlos Williams
How Otherwise
May Lewis
Verne Bright
Thomas W. Duncan
On a Thread
Bertha Ten Eyck James
Five Poems
Mary Ray McCullar
Walking through Daylight
William Pillin
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Robert Fitzgerald
Louise Bogan
Hildegarde Flanner
Geoffrey Grigson
- Marianne Moore
- Frederick Ten Hoor
- William Empson
- William Carlos Williams
- May Lewis
- Verne Bright
- Thomas W. Duncan
- Bertha Ten Eyck James
- Mary Ray McCullar
- William Pillin
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Robert Fitzgerald
- Louise Bogan
- Hildegarde Flanner
- Geoffrey Grigson