October 1981
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Margaret Benbow
- John Dickson
- Stephen Dobyns
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Judith Leet
Table of Contents
Stephen Dobyns
Josephine Miles
Stephen Dobyns
Margaret Benbow
John Dickson
Josephine Jacobsen
Judith Leet
Alan Williamson
Robert Wiljer
Diana O'Hehir
Sharon Olds
Sandra M. Gilbert
- Stephen Dobyns
- Josephine Miles
- Margaret Benbow
- John Dickson
- Josephine Jacobsen
- Judith Leet
- Alan Williamson
- Robert Wiljer
- Diana O'Hehir
- Robley Wilson Jr.
- Sharon Olds
- Sandra M. Gilbert