October 1983
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Marvin Bell
- Christopher Bursk
- Madeline De Frees
- Brendan Galvin
- Dana Gioia
Table of Contents
Marvin Bell
Robert Long
David Kresh
Madeline De Frees
Michael Milburn
Donald Hall
Jonathan Holden
Carole Oles
Tom Sleigh
Christopher Bursk
Elizabeth Spires
Brendan Galvin
Peter Stitt
- Pattiann Rogers
- Dana Gioia
- Marvin Bell
- Robert Long
- David Kresh
- Madeline De Frees
- Michael Milburn
- Donald Hall
- Jonathan Holden
- Carole Oles
- Tom Sleigh
- Christopher Bursk
- Elizabeth Spires
- Brendan Galvin
- Peter Stitt