September 1933
The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.
This issue is sold out.
- Harriet Monroe
- Ezra Pound
- Morton Zabel
- Basil Bunting
- Groff Conklin
Table of Contents
Basil Bunting
Lorine Niedecker
Harry Roskolenko
Louis Zukofsky
Parker Tyler
Two Poems
Groff Conklin
Florence Ripley Mastin
Gilbert Maxwell
Idella Purnell
Slumber Lyrics
Harriet Monroe
Ruth Earnshaw
Mary Ray McCullar
Eunice Tietjens
Weeds in Rain
Beatrice Goldsmith
Harriet Monroe
Stanley Kunitz
Robert Penn Warren
Morris U. Schappes
Morton Dauwen Zabel
Ezra Pound
John A. Holmes
- Basil Bunting
- Lorine Niedecker
- Harry Roskolenko
- Louis Zukofsky
- Parker Tyler
- Groff Conklin
- Florence Ripley Mastin
- Gilbert Maxwell
- Idella Purnell
- Ira Jan Wallach
- Agnes Lee
- Harriet Monroe
- Ruth Earnshaw
- Mary Ray McCullar
- Eunice Tietjens
- Beatrice Goldsmith
- Stanley Kunitz
- Robert Penn Warren
- Morris U. Schappes
- Morton Dauwen Zabel
- Ezra Pound
- John A. Holmes