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September 2001

Winslow Homer, "On the Beach at Marshfield," 1874.

The oldest monthly devoted to verse in the English-speaking world.

This issue is sold out.
  • Naeem Murr
  • Richard Behm
  • Matthew Brenneman
  • Stephen Dunn
  • Ethan Gilsdorf
Image of poetry foundation cover September 2001
From this Issue
    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Mary Shelley in Brigantine

      By Stephen Dunn
      Because the ostracized experience the world
      in ways peculiar to themselves, often seeing it
      clearly yet with such anger and longing
      that they sometimes enlarge what they see,
      she at first saw Brigantine as a paradise for gulls.
      She must...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine The Age of Dinosaurs

      By James Scruton
      There are, of course, theories
      about the wide-eyed, drop-jawed
      fascination children have for them,
      about how, before he's learned
      his own phone number or address,
      a five-year-old can carry
      like a few small stones
      the Latin tonnage of those names,...

    • poem

      Appeared in Poetry Magazine Translation

      By Deirdre O'Connor
      Though there's no such thing as a "self," I missed itā€”
      the fiction of it and how I felt believing in it mildly
      like a book an old love sent with an inscription
      in his hand, whatever it meant,
      After such...

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